Karen Larochelle ~ Arbonne Consultant in Cobourg, Ontario, K9A4J7
My name is Karen Larochelle. I am a Stay-At-Home Mom, Wife, Daugther, Sister, Friend, Volunteer, and...an Arbonne Independent Consultant!
My life has changed drastically over the past couple years. For the past 10 years, I had been enjoying a fantastic and successful career in the sales & service industry. I had two sons (now I've got FOUR!), a fabulous Husband and the life I...

About My Company
Arbonne's skin & body care products, based on botanical principles, became a reality in the United States in 1980 and are now shared throughout the world through Arbonne's network of Independent Consultants. Building on these same founding principles, Arbonne's product line has since grown to include both inner and outer health and beauty products that are unparalleled in quality, safety, value, benefits and results!
The wonderful thing about Arbonne is that it's not just about great products; it's also about great people. The Arbonne family is made up of thousands of individuals working to make their dreams come true. Through sales incentives and rewards, travel opportunities, a generous SuccessPlan and great products, Arbonne offers a unique opportunity that can help make anyone's vision for the future a reality.
- See more at: https://www.arbonne.ca/cs/Satellite?childpagename=arb/Page/BasicDetail&s...
Featured Product Information
Check out this short youtube video about Arbonne's RE9 Anti Aging Skincare Line:
About Me
My name is Karen Larochelle. I am a Stay-At-Home Mom, Wife, Daugther, Sister, Friend, Volunteer, and...an Arbonne Independent Consultant!
My life has changed drastically over the past couple years. For the past 10 years, I had been enjoying a fantastic and successful career in the sales & service industry. I had two sons (now I've got FOUR!), a fabulous Husband and the life I had always dreamed of. Well...sort of. When I was young and pictured my future I realized it was always in two separate “silos”. I pictured an exciting career learning about science & medicines, travelling and succeeding; while I was also dreaming of a life with my family, sitting down to home-cooked meals, playing outside, rolling on the carpet with tickle fights and volunteering in their school classrooms. The more closely we looked at our lives, the more we realized that one dream (career) was becoming increasingly demanding of my time and energy, and the other dream (family) was diminishing due to rushed lives, quick meals, daycare drop-offs and getting back onto the laptop after dinner. My husband and I took a good look at our lives, what we wanted to prioritize, and decided that I would leave my career and stay at home with the kids. We realized how blessed we were to even be able to make that decision. If that wasn't a big enough change for our family, we, at the same time, also moved away from my home town and started a new life out in the countryside.
I must admit, this was a wonderful change in all of our lives! Now we have the time to play together, talk about our day over a home-cooked meal and actually eat breakfast together without dealing with "the morning rush". However, what about my other dream? What about the exciting world of business? Is there a way to still be the #1 diaper changer, meal-maker, coach, lego-builder AND get the feeling of accomplishment by also being important to a corporation?
While I was at an Arbonne "Swiss Beauty Workshop" that a friend of mine was hosting, I was really listening about the important (and surprising!) information being shared about skin care, and Arbonne's philosophy of Pure, Safe & Beneficial products. I was even skeptical at first. The products couldn't be as amazing as they said they were...however, after purchasing a few products, then hosting my own workshop in order to get the whole RE9 anti-aging line from my host rewards...I was hooked. The products ARE unbelievable! Arbonne was quickly becoming a passion of mine, and so why not share this with others? Even now, after being an Independent Consultant for almost two years, I am only just beginning to visualize what this company has to offer, for my future, and my family's future. Expanding my business into the Health & Wellness side of Arbonne has been very exciting!
Arbonne has helped me be able to fulfill both of my dreams of family and a career and not only be important to a corporation…but actually OWN my OWN business!
Arbonne has allowed me to be present in all aspects of my family’s life. I work when I want, and as much as I want. Also, very importantly for me, Arbonne allows me to get out of my “mom jeans” and put on my stylish stuff! To share my passion for learning about skin care, about what we are putting on our skin…on our childrens’ skin, into our mouths and even ultimately, how we are earning the dollars that we put into our bank account.
Sound good to you? Come join me! This is the most fun you'll ever have earning a living.
Karen Larochelle
Arbonne Independent Consultant
[email protected]
Product List
RE9 Advanced Full Line, Super CALM line (for sensitive skin, Ultra Premium Cosmetics, Vegan Health & Wellness
My Favorite Products
The whole RE9 line, makeup primer, chocolate & vanilla protein shakes (with GREENS balance mixed in).
Keyword List
Vegan, Botanical, Home Based Business, Skincare, Health Wellness, Makeup, Cosmetics