Contact me to get your order placed so that you will have your product to start! Listen to the short (little over 4 minutes) video. Questions?
Did you know the average weight gain over the holidays is a whopping 7-10 lbs?! Wouldn’t it be great to maintain during the holiday season instead of starting 2015 with extra weight to lose when tackling your New Year’s resolutions? Stay on track by joining us in the Battle of the Bulge Challenge!
This is NOT a diet; it’s a program about BALANCE. We’ll give you the tools and support you need to beat the holiday bulge during the peak party season - December 1-15. Maybe you've thought about doing our 28-day Clean Eating Challenge, but have never taken the plunge because of the commitment level, length of the program, expense, or some other reason. Or maybe you've done the 28-day program, but want help applying what you learned WITH A PLAN during the tempting holiday season. Either way, this is the perfect challenge for YOU!!
Check out this brief video overview (less than 5 minutes), and contact me to claim your spot. In order to get your products in time, you must sign up by Sunday, November 23rd so ACT FAST!!!…/BeatTheBulgeDetails.MP4…
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Vikki Klein: Contact me to get your order placed so that you will have your pro…
11/23/2014 - 21:35