Hello Canada!! I am so very excited to introduce Origami Owl to you as a GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY!! People starting during pre-launch and launch are very lucky to build from DAY 1!! And how amazing is our product???
www.tinanicolai.origamiowl.com has changed so many lives since its launch in the United States...including my own!!
And...it gets event better! As a rep of Origami Owl, the started kit is $199 + shipping + tax! Our launch date is February 3rd, 2015 @8:00pm EST.
Please email, text, or call me to get more information, including a a special welcome from me! [email protected] 407-808-3047
I do hope you give me a shot at being your mentor! With 20+ years in career coaching, I have what it takes to mentor you to become your very best! I return all calls and emails to answer your questions!
I'm invested in my team and have a special website just for us!
PLUS...my most important goal is YOU! We really do work as a team on TEAM LOCKET'Ears!! I have a marketing background that will help you SOAR to new heights with Origami Owl.
My background with Disney has helped get my team off to a strong start and we are continuing to grow...TOGETHER!
We also have a private Facebook page where all of your questions are answered, you get the support from OWLS across the US and Canada, and always are connected to me if you need anything.
So..what are YOU waiting for?
Call or email me today to get all of the details to join my O2 Team! Go Canada! Mentor ID: #3178 *MUST USE THIS NUMBER TO JOIN MY TEAM :)