"This is like 2004 again, only #TEN times better!" Everything is in place now, to grow this company to Multi-million dollars. That spells O p p o r t u n i t y !
"When victory is in sight, when success is within your grasp, then the real mental battle begins." Tracy Austin: commentating on the 2006 Women's Wimbledon Final...
Some will turn away, get distracted by the latest fancy trend or de-focus at this crucial time ~ it's human nature! We're just about to succeed & we throw it away!! ...That is the difference between winners and losers. Winners don't quit. Winners grab the opportunity with both hands and run! "Obstacles are what you see, when you take your eye off the goal." We are Team Effort Network the genuine article ~ powerful, strong & years long ~ running for the touchdown.
One thing we have never understood: why people who support a team leave the ground early when their team is losing ~ only to try to rush back in when they hear the cheers of their team's historic, come-back victory... and they missed it. They let the negative emotions of their perceived condition over-rule their initial plan to stay the course...
Negative emotions are part & parcel of any business endeavour. The Art is not to attach to them & instead, drive on to victory ~ sometimes through pain!
We are incredibly excited about growing the company right across the USA the UK into Europe Japan & the rest of the world... Some will join us in the victorious quest, some will watch, some will walk away. The choice, as always, is entirely yours...
but be assured: Success is within your grasp
call the office: 925 309 5949
or join us now: http://www.teameffortglobal.com