The mouth is perfectly designed for optimal absorption of spray vitamins. Within seconds, vital nutrients are absorbed through the mouth lining and delivered via the bloodstream to the various parts of the body for immediate utilization. The intra-oral method of absorption i.e. used in oral spray vitamins - has been shown to be up to 90% effective, whereas The Physician's Desk Reference shows that vitamins and minerals in a pill form are only 10-20% absorbed by the body.
Spray vitamins avoid the peaks and troughs of vitamin availability common with one-a-day supplements: Sprays can be taken every 3-4 hours, providing a more constant and even distribution of nutrients throughout the body, throughout the day.
If you need the fastest, most economical, and most effective means of getting nutritional supplements, use vitamin sprays. They are the best way to provide the supplemental nutrients your body demands. Team Effort Network vitamin sprays were SEVENTEEN years in development. Not all sprays are the same. For maximum buccal & sub-lingual absorption insist on TENsprays the original & best.
For more information see: changing the way the world takes vitamins:
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