Team Effort Network : helping people get healthy, earn money and have fun! ...
Join us online for a TENinfo web presentation to find out about our company, products and pay-plan...
Every: Wednesday 5pm (EDT) & Thursday 8pm (EDT)...Millions of people have difficulty swallowing vitamin pills, capsules and tablets...
T.E.N.'s philosophy is simple: make oral spray vitamins that people want and need and make them with the highest quality ingredients. Add a delivery system second to none and you have the best nutritional supplements in the industry!
All you do is spray a few times in your mouth throughout the day and you're done. So convenient; for purse, pocket or briefcase.
We are changing the way the world takes vitamins, minerals and supplements; one person at a time, one spray at a time!
email for details: [email protected]
or call our office on 925 309 5949
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