Having been a Plexus Slim Ambassador for over 1.5 years, I've learned a lot about the Plexus products, and the Plexus Compensation Plan. I have lots of weight loss and Plexus product tips. I am always eager to share knowledge and directions on how to take Plexus Slim and all Plexus products with my customers. I have customers coast to coast and even in other countries, who I am so grateful towards. Looking for a local rep isn't always best, because no one can guarantee that they will be able to guide you through your Plexus journey the best way possible, like I assure you I will. I want all of my customers to experience the clinically proven results of Plexus products. I write Plexus Slim blogs to help even those who are not my customers or Ambassadors. You can hear directly from the co-developer of Plexus Slim, Dave Brown on the home page of my website http://plexuslafayette.com and I have amazing Plexus Slim Q&A with Dave Brown on my YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/plexuslafayettetv
I have a big heart and strive to help everyone I can. Unfortunately, if you write me and you're another Ambassador's customer, please understand that I must help my customers first, but I will ALWAYS reply back! If you're looking for an Ambassador to join Plexus with, leadership is an area in which I've been trained, and still daily I seek more. I provide training to my Ambassadors daily in our team group on Facebook and one-on-one training. I love to be a motivator, including towards myself. What sets me apart from a lot of Ambassadors is my incredible knowledge of Search Engine Optimization. I also understand, and love to talk about, the social networks like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, to name a few. These are just a few tools to build your Plexus business. I'm good at what I do, and I love what I do. Join my team, and make me work! :) If you'd like to talk to me directly, my email is [email protected] - I'd love to tell you how Plexus has changed my life!
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plexuslafayette: Having been a Plexus Slim Ambassador for over 1.5 years, I…
01/20/2014 - 13:24