Check out our HEROES Charity!
HEROES Mission
HEROES stands for Helping, Encouraging, Rewarding & Obtaining Education for Single moms.
Supporting single moms by donating days of daycare to these heroes in our society who through their many selfless sacrifices provide their children with love in ways too numerous to count. We help families in your community to fulfill their dreams of a better life.
Our goal is 1,000,000 days of daycare in 10 years
For every $500+ party, Pink Zebra will donate one day of daycare.
Visit to join my team and be a part of a great charity and give back to the community!
HEROES Mission - YouTube
HEROES stands for Helping, Encouraging, Rewarding & Obtaining Education for Single moms. Supporting single moms by donating days of daycare to these heroes i...
01/23/2014 - 19:02