Why Avon? I started my Avon journey over 25 years ago. I was a single mother with 2 small children and an ex-husband who was not paying child support. I was introduced to the Avon opportunity to help supplement my income. With guidance and instructions from my Avon Corp Manager I was able to not only make up the difference in the lose of the child support but even more. Earning all expense paid trips, cash bonuses, residual income and more. Here I am 25+ years later and never looking back. Best investment I made in myself was joining Avon. Now retired at age 57, I am full time Avon running a successful online business. Due to Covid19 I handle all my orders online as well as mail books to my clients. I recently moved from Texas to my new forever place here in Santa Fe NM and even kept all my Texas customers converting them to online shoppers where it is safe to shop from home and Avon ships all orders directly to you. Join my email list too! https://www.avon.com/repstore/groben?rep=groben #whyidothis #lovemykids https://linktr.ee/gailrobenavon
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Gail Roben: Why Avon? I started my Avon journey over 25 years ago. I was a sing… |