With membership through the Premium Starter kit, I will send you a Thank You gift of the "Suviving When Modern Medicine Fails" book. With Essential Rewards order of a kit or $100 min, you'll also get the 500 pg Reference Guide to Essential Oils book Free, and with your 2nd month on Essential Rewards (a kit or $100 order) you'll get a beautiful diffuser necklace from Vessel.com (Leaf). Just sign up under http://YoungLivingOilsPlus.younglivingconnect.com where you can choose Customer or Independent Distributor (Membership of 24% discount), a Premium Starter Kit (2 options), Essential Rewards (Kit when joining or opt to order after membership ID, with $100pv order) for the Free Thank You Gift Options. Join me on Facebook, send me a private message that you found this group through my FindSalesRep Ad, Fb "YL Essential Oils Basic 101 for Beginners" to help you learn more. If you're interested in building a part or full time business at home, contact me for a great support system to help you grow your business. Also follow me on Fb "Young Living Oils Plus" and http://NoHypeHealthZone.blogspot.com
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Young Living Oils Plus: With membership through the Premium Starter kit, I will… |