Here are some astonishing facts you may not know about the healthcare system that may save your life!
1. Traditional healthcare NEEDS you to be sick. The current healthcare system in all forms, from hospitals and doctors offices to drug companies and pharmacies operates as a business and it needs to make money. It can't make money if everyone is healthy!
2.The current healthcare system treats symptoms, not causes!
3.The four leading diseases are largely preventable. The big four-heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes, account for 83% of all deaths. The big four are also largely "lifestyle" diseases. Lifestyle diseases refer to diseases that are likely to develop as a result of lifestyle factors within our control such as diet and excercise habits, stress levels and free radical exposure, rather than simply as a result of genetics or chance!
4. Antibiotics are becoming rapidly irrelevant. The center for disease control estimates that more than 20 million unnecessary prescriptions for antibiotics are handed out each year.
5. Prescription drugs can be deadly. Drugs should be a last resort not a first one. Not only do they come with a host of side effects, but there is also a documented 2.2 million cases of adverse reactions related to prescription drugs each year.
6. Conventional medicine is a leading cause of death in the United States.
percentage of all deaths caused by heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes -83%
Percentage of the population affected by type 2 diabetes -7%
Heart disease is the #1 killer of both men and women.
150,000 is the number of people killed by strokes annually in the U.S.
Deaths due to conventional medical therapies per year in the U.S. 784,000.