I wanted to take a moment to share with you how Plexus X Factor has improved my productivity by helping me focus better. I conducted research on my own and found why this multivitamin supplement works. First of all, it is not only a multivitamin, it also contains a patented Aloe blend that delivers polysaccharide nutrients better than one without this blend. Insiders say this is similar to a "zip code" for post offices: it delivers nutrients to the cells that need them, increasing the absorption of vitamins threefold. Also, Plexus X Factor contains New Zealand Blackcurrants, which is a strange-sounding berry that contains a huge amount of antioxidants. With all the age-advancing toxins to which I am exposed, being a computer aficionado who doesn't always eat right (what computer person does, lol), I need something to counteract the harmful effects of other products and to maintain my youthful appearance. :)
Moving on to the vitamins, Plexus X Factor contains C, D, E--all of which are essential for our daily living--as well as a large set of B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9. Let's take a look at each one. B1 aka thiamine is crucial to the nervous system--that includes the brain and all the nerve cells (neurons). B2 or riboflavin and B3 or niacin help produce energy which the brain needs just as any organ does. Did you know the brain burns 300 calories a day out of an average 1,300 used by the entire body? Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, breaks down carbohydrates and fat to keep my waistline where it should be! It also plays a part in reducing stress, a factor when I'm programming on a deadline. B6 enables neurotransmitters to be built--keeping my "wiring" in good shape. I'm happy to have X Factor as part of my daily regimen along with Plexus Slim and Accelerator. These products rock! Ask me any questions about them & how to get a discount!