#Glutathione (GSH)
What is Glutathione exactly?
Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein molecule, a tri-peptide, formed from the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. Glutathione is manufactured inside your cells. Your cell's ability to make glutathione is directly determined by the supply of raw materials, or precursors. In particular, the amino acid cysteine. ...
Glutathione is your body's master antioxidant and one of the most important cleansing and healing agents. Glutathione blocks free radical damage and helps to recycle Vitamins E and C, therefore plays a key role in their function. Because Glutathione exists within the cells, it is in a prime position to neutralize free radicals.
Where do we get these antioxidants?
Nature provides these through fresh "whole" fruits and vegetables which are full of them. Asparagus, avocados and walnuts are particularly rich dietary sources of Glutathione. (It is important to eat only whole foods for optimal health.) Some important ones to look for are vitamins A, C, E, and Selenium. In the case of glutathione, the source is dairy in the form of whey protein isolates. High quality nutritional supplements also provide effective antioxidants: Sub-lingual and bucal transportation is recognised as the most efficient way to get vitamins, minerals & natural supplements into the body:
#CellENERGY by #TeamEffortNetwork #TEN ~ A powerful synergistic combination of Glutathione and Alpha Lipoic Acid in an ultra premium blend with the added benefits of Resveratrol and natural caffeine: powerful cellular nutrition... for optimum well-being: spray 5 times throughout the day & FEEL THE DIFFERENCE!
See http://www.teameffortglobal.net/ for more information.