Why purchase your oils through distributors instead of through another store, website or company?
Because we set the industry standard for quality, not only with our oils and products but with our support of each member. Because we are not a chain store. We are not a big company who doesn’t know who you are. We are everything that is beautiful about small business. You can visit our farms, see our processes, and meet in our homes.
We are moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, coaches, students, introverts and extroverts, those with little education and those trained at the best universities. We are using the income we earn by supporting you and building community to pay for classes, groceries, shoes, family vacations, to build up savings, and to donate to our favorite charities. More than anything, we are using the money we earn to pour back into the health of our families and our communities. To USE the products we are sharing with you to increase our quality of life and to make us more effective in our callings.
You are not a number in our business transactions. You are a name, a face, a valued part of our team.
Thank you for choosing us. Thank you for choosing our families.