V Washington ~ Passion Parties Passion Consultant in Charlotte, North Carolina, 28277
Take the Monotony out of Monogamy with Passion Parties by V!
Hello, my name is V Washington. I am an Independent Passion Parties consultant located in North Carolina. I am a wife, mother of five and a former Army brat. I began my Passion Parties business as a way to express what I am Passionate about, God, life, and love. I joined Passion Parties first as a way to begin to put a...
About My Company
At Passion Parties we believe that anyone in a committed, loving relationship can benefit from Passion Parties’ products. Our line of love potions, sensual accessories and adult toys open lines of communication and add an exciting new dimension of pleasure and fun. Simply talking about sex and trying something new often leads to a renewed passion that is both fulfilling and re-energizes your sex life. If you’ve ever thought that passionate monogamy might be an oxymoron, then let us show you how to reconnect with your sexy side.
Passion Parties products aren’t just for couples. In fact, we invite you to have fun and explore your sexuality. Discover what pleases you and you’ll be a sexually empowered and ready for a fulfilling relationship when the time comes.
About Me
Take the Monotony out of Monogamy with Passion Parties by V!
Hello, my name is V Washington. I am an Independent Passion Parties consultant located in North Carolina. I am a wife, mother of five and a former Army brat. I began my Passion Parties business as a way to express what I am Passionate about, God, life, and love. I joined Passion Parties first as a way to begin to put a positive spin on the negative stigma women face daily regarding sexual behavior. We are taught from an early age to be ashamed and not to engage in sexual activity until marriage. But when we marry, we aren’t taught how to put the negative “no, no, and don’t do it” away, and have a fulfilling intimate life with our spouse. Many people may view sex in committed relationship as the icing on the cake, at Passion Parties by V, we believe a healthy, fulfilling sex life is an integral ingredient in the cake. Sex in a committed relationship is a way to create an emotional bond that is exclusive to the two partners in the relationship. This bond is set apart from any bond they will have with anyone else. My job as a consultant is to help share a sex positive message with women I encounter, encouraging them to love themselves, their bodies, and understand that it is okay and they deserve to have a fulfilling sex life.
As a Passion Parties Consultant I share my message as an educator and facilitator for women who want to host a Passion Party in the privacy of their own home. Guests are able to view, touch, taste and sample products they may not have the opportunity or courage to shop for in retail stores. Guests can also ask questions, share stories and receive valuable Grown-Up Sex Ed.
Passion Parties believes in creating a sex positive society, and is now partnered with the American Sexual Health Association. We work as a company to embrace diversity and have not only opened a division for Spanish speaking countries, but have also opened a division directed towards and created for the LGBT community. Passion Parties Charitable Foundation gives annually to Breast cancer Research, Autism research, Multiple Sclerosis, and No More to help fight against domestic violence, rape and abuse.
Recently, I heard a quote that illustrates my purpose in Passion Parties:
“Being comfortable with yourself, loving the skin you’re in, being sexy is not a sin. There is a conversation about Christianity and sexuality that needs to be had. God designed it, the enemy perverted it, and we said here, you can have it.
Now we have young Christians getting married and don't know how to have a full and completely satisfying, wonderful intimate relationship because all they have been taught is NO. Don't look, don't touch, don't do it. When they get married their only reference is what the media presents, what adult venues present. The expectations are unrealistic and not based on what God intended.
Why can't there be Christian women, who love God and are comfortable with sexy, that can show young women how to have a happy, healthy sex life and still be anointed?" -paraphrased from Erica Campbell
Celebrating 4 years of Passion! I want to be a part of the movement, that creates happy healthy relationships by removing an ugly stigma and building the kind of intimate confidence, that makes us stronger and more empowered when we are out in the world.
*Available in Charlotte and the surrounding area (Waxhaw,Monroe, Ballantyne, Weddington, Matthews, etc), Greensboro, Highpoint, Lake Norman, Winston-Salem and all points around and in-between! Have kit, will Travel to SC and VA!