Healthy, Weight-Loss Coffee, Tea & Cocoa by Team Eva ~ Javita Rep in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15215
Master Esthetician Eva Sztupka is a Founding Member of the Green Spa Network and Editorial Board Member of DAYSPA Magazine. Eva drinks & sells Javita because they're healthier than other beverages. She arrived at JFK from Budapest, Hungary in 1996 with literally nothing but the clothes on her back and $50 in cash. She found her way to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and in 2001, she opened a 700...

About My Company
Choose your Javita Rep carefully. My team and I can help you build a better business. Javita Weight-Loss Coffee starts with pesticide-free, fair-trade Arabica and Robusta coffee beans from South America. Our Weight-Control Tea begins with organic Sencha Green Tea leaves from the 'Napa Valley' of Japan. Our new Mind + Energy Hot Chocolate comes from the finest European Cocoa. We expertly roast and blend the raw beans, leaves and pods into a fine powder that is painstakingly blended to preserve the flavors and aromas in convenient, single-serve portions.
Javita adds a unique blend of exclusive herbs designed to Stop Sugar Cravings. Highly refined sugar, in the form of table sugar or high fructose corn syrup, is kryptonite to optimal health. Your energy, immune system, metabolism, hormones and inflammatory markers are all negatively affected. The overwhelming availability of processed sugars in everything from Soft-Drinks to frozen foods to bread has given rise to obesity and diabetes. With increased sugar intake, the signs of aging, weight gain, fatigue, bone loss, poor sleep, mental fatigue and depression escalate.
Each Javita blend undergoes a complex micronization and extraction process. It has taken us a long time to perfect this technique, but it was worth it, because it locks in the smooth, rich flavors, delicate notes and freshness, so that all you have to do is add water to enjoy the perfect cup of coffee, tea or cocoa. Enjoyed hot or cold, Javita coffee, tea and cocoa are all natural, Kosher-certified, and the great taste and on-the-go convenience will have you reaching for cup after cup.
Featured Product Information
Javita Burn + Control Weight-Loss Coffee.
It is a mild, arabica-type coffee but what makes it so different is the micronized Yerba Mate and Garcinia Cambogia herbal blend. The result is a great tasting, reasonably-priced cup of coffee that has helped me lose 30 pounds in less than two months (without starving myself or living at the gym).
Yerba Mate is a central nervous system stimulant containing caffeine, but it also contains a number of other nutrients, including antioxidants, amino acids, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. The chemical compounds and nutrients in yerba mate affect your metabolism to make your body use carbohydrates more efficiently. This means you'll get more energy from the food you eat. You'll also burn more of the calories your body has stored in fat cells as fuel when you drink coffee with yerba mate regularly. Regular yerba mate consumption also helps keep lactic acid from building up in your muscles so you can decrease post workout soreness and cut your recovery time. Yerba mate has stimulant qualities to help you feel full sooner after you begin eating, and it slows your digestion so that your stomach stays full longer. Combining yerba mate with a healthy diet and regular exercise can help boost your metabolism to burn more calories, and it can help you eat less by curbing your appetite slightly.
Garcinia Cambogia is found naturally in India and parts of Asia, and also on the Pacific coast of South and Central America all the way from Peru up to Mexico, and likes a humid forested environment. Also known as Brindall berries, not only does Garcinia Cambogia suppress your appetite, but it also limits the body's ability to turn carbohydrates into fat. This factor, combined with increased calorie burning and a suppressed appetite, prohibit the body from converting excess carbohydrates into stored body fat.
About Me
Master Esthetician Eva Sztupka is a Founding Member of the Green Spa Network and Editorial Board Member of DAYSPA Magazine. Eva drinks & sells Javita because they're healthier than other beverages. She arrived at JFK from Budapest, Hungary in 1996 with literally nothing but the clothes on her back and $50 in cash. She found her way to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and in 2001, she opened a 700 sq.ft. Day Spa. Today, Eva owns 3 Day Spas and Salons that employ 62 professional therapists. The thing that helps Eva stay awake and keep her mind focused is Javita Burn + Control Coffee and Green Tea. And after losing 33 pounds in less than 2 months, Eva decided to become the first Javita Representative in Hungary as well as expanding her Pennsylvania and Florida based business by offering Javita to her thousands of loyal spa customers. It is important to know that Eva never asks anyone to buy or consume anything that she has not tested or used herself.
Product List
Javita Burn + Control Weight-Loss Coffee, Javita Energy + Mind Coffee, Javita Lean + Green Tea for Appetite Control
My Favorite Products
My favorite is the Javita Energy + Mind Coffee. It is a robust, full-flavored coffee - but what really makes it so different is the micronized Bacopa Monnierie and Gotu Kola that are part of this exclusive blend. The result is a great tasting, reasonably-priced cup of coffee that helps keep me focused so I can continue to work without going completely crazy.
My husband Scott loves the Javita Lean + Green Tea, which he says has a very rich, almost supergreens type of feel to it. This tea also has Gymnema Sylvestre - renowned for its use in promoting healthy blood glucose levels and supporting the proper function of the pancreas. It promotes the healthy regulation of insulin and supports the body’s natural metabolic process and suppreses the body's sugar cravings.
Here is some extra information about the herbs used in these products:
Bacopa Monnieri
The bacosides (saponins) in Bacopa appear to play a protective role in the synaptic functions of the nerves of the hippocampus, the seat of memory. Nerve impulses are transmitted across the synapses (the gap between the neurons, over which impulses lead to their learning), and their degeneration is believed to contribute to impaired memory and cognition. Use of Bacopa is thus thought to improve learning skills and impaired memory. Additional brain effects of Bacopa demonstrated in lab research include reduction of both anxiety and depression. Biochemically, these nervous system effects have been attributed to an enhancement of the effects of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and, possibly serotonin or GABA. Perhaps it's the retention qualities exhibited during a double-blind randomized placebo controlled research study in Australia at the University of Woolongong. Or the decreased rate of forgetting or newly acquired information, verbal learning rate and memory consolidation observed during a similar study reported in Neuropsychopharmachology.
Gotu Kola
When formulating our energy + mind blend, we infused an herb called centella asiatica (or gotu kola) to add something your tall cup from Starbuck's will never provide - mental clarity. Why Gotu Kola? It has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years in India, China and Indonesia to improve mental clarity. Referred to as "food for the brain." This oriental herb has demonstrated mild tranquilizing, anti-anxiety and anti-stress effects, as well as improving mental functions such as concentration and memory. It has a calming effect on the body and is chiefly used to support the central nervous system. These beneficial qualities offer some hope for those who have challenges focusing, as the herb has demonstrated the ability to have a soothing and relaxing effect on an overactive nervous system. As a brain tonic, Gotu Kola is said to aid intelligence and memory. It strengthens the adrenal glands while cleansing the blood to treat skin impurities. It is said to combat stress and depression, energize flagging mental powers, increase libido, ward off a nervous breakdown and improve reflexes. It energizes the central nervous system and rebuilds energy reserves.
Weight Gain is About Stored Fat
There are two forms of fat in the human body: triglycerides and fatty acids. Human fat/adipose tissue/love handles – whatever you call it – this is the fat stored as triglycerides. Fatty acids are burned for fuel. Inside the fat cell, fatty acids continually ‘cycle’ across the cell membrane and back out again. Fatty acids can be used as fuel during this process (or recycled/stored if they are not used).
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia is found naturally in India and parts of Asia, and also on the Pacific coast of South and Central America all the way from Peru up to Mexico, and likes a humid forested environment. Also known as Brindall berries, garcinia is believed to act as an appetite suppressant and allows you to lose weight by diminishing your desire for food. Not only does Garcinia Cambogia suppress your appetite, but it also limits the body's ability to turn carbohydrates into fat. This factor, combined with increased calorie burning and a suppressed appetite, prohibit the body from converting excess carbohydrates into stored body fat. In fact, instead of increasing your body fat, you'll increase your energy.
Stop Sugar Cravings
Highly refined sugar, in the form of table sugar or high fructose corn syrup, is kryptonite to optimal health. Your energy, immune system, metabolism, hormones and inflammatory markers are all negatively affected. The overwhelming availability of this ingredient in the developed world has given rise to obesity and diabetes. With increased sugar intake, the signs of aging, weight gain, fatigue, bone loss, poor sleep, mental fatigue and depression escalate.
Gymnema Sylvestre
Native to India and Africa, the climbing shrub Gymnema Sylvestre has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine. Today, it is gaining support from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health as helpful in controlling blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and 2 diabetes. Gymnema Sylvestre is renowned for its use in promoting healthy blood glucose levels and supporting the proper function of the pancreas. A little Gymnema Sylvestre on the tongue has the power to dull the taste buds to the sense of sweet, thus it is known as the ‘killer of sweet’. It promotes the healthy production of insulin and supports the body’s natural metabolic process. Gymnema Sylvestre also promotes healthy management of the appetite and sugar cravings.
Keyword List
javita, coffee, weight-loss, green coffee, green tea, appetite control, Garcinia Cambogia, yerba mate, gotu kola, organic coffee, japanese tea, energy boost, coffee company, home based business, health and wellness