Rodney & Janell Myer ~ Zija International Independent Distributor in Riverton, Utah, 84096
Hello our names are Rodney and Janell Myer. We have been with Zija International since November 22 2014. We were introduced to Zija and there products when Janell started working for them in August of 2014. Janell started using the Supermix from day one and starting signs of improvement with her energy, and emotional wellbeing. Janell had been diagnosed with CML (Chronic myeloid leukemia)....

About My Company
Zija International has been around since 2006 and has been climbing ever since. With its impeccable customer service to knowledgeable distributors there is no way anyone is left behind. Zija's compensation plan is second to none and the product sells its self. All we have to do is share the product and it does all the work. Call for details to learn more about this great products and opportunity!
Product List
smartmix,supermix,xmburn,xmam.xmpm,xm+,xm3,daily tea,premium tea,GenM skin care,ameo essential oils
About Me
Hello our names are Rodney and Janell Myer. We have been with Zija International since November 22 2014. We were introduced to Zija and there products when Janell started working for them in August of 2014. Janell started using the Supermix from day one and starting signs of improvement with her energy, and emotional wellbeing. Janell had been diagnosed with CML (Chronic myeloid leukemia). With the chemo type pill it was making her tired, irritable, achy and depressed. Rodney started using the products and is more energetic and is feeling the best he can. We know first hand what these product can do to help her and I and we are now ready to share this "Life Unlimited" with everyone else.
Keyword List
health,fitness,nutritionals,nutrition,energy,fat,burning,ameo,essential,oil,oils,smartmix,supermix,xmburn,xmam.xmpm,xm+,xm3,daily tea,premium tea,GenM skin care
My Favorite Products
Rodney and I use the Supermix daily and the XM Burn. Rodney uses the XMPM for a relaxing night. Janell uses the Ripstix Ignite for her workouts