Debbie Zimbelman ~ Ameo Essential Oils Independent Distributor in Washburn, North Dakota, 58577
Ameo has researched & developed the highest verifiable grade essential oils validated by science. This science builds bridges between eastern & western health care philosophies. The Science & Technology will provide customer confidence by validating the quality & efficiency of the essential oils with each bottle & batch you see the actual test results. This impressed me...

About My Company
Ameo will utilize Zija's established management & International infrastructure, as Zija is the parent company, invested upwards of $10 million to ensure the product, opportunity, & science of Ameo are unparalleled, as they launched Ameo on September 25th, 2014. Partnerships with Harvard educated Medical Research PhD, Dr Joshua Plant and independent research facilities helped secure the highest grade of essential oils. Ameo meet the individual profiles that establish a clinical grade benchmark. The same Ameo standard is used in research studies, hospitals & clinics. Ameo Essential Oils meet a clinical grade standard. Ameo is endorsed by Dr Daniel Penoel PhD, French world renown authority on Essential Oils & Aromatherapy for 40 yrs.
Featured Product Information
An Industry Leading Next Generation Clinical Grade Essential Oils. With Several starter kit options, and possibility of 8 ways to earn with the Zija corporation (Ameo Essential Oils), a ground floor opportunity to grow with Ameo. Basic 9 kit, Enhanced 9 kit, Family Care kit, Complete Care kit, Founder Kit (limited offer).
About Me
Ameo has researched & developed the highest verifiable grade essential oils validated by science. This science builds bridges between eastern & western health care philosophies. The Science & Technology will provide customer confidence by validating the quality & efficiency of the essential oils with each bottle & batch you see the actual test results. This impressed me the most, no more taking a company's word on their marketing term quality.
Product List
Exclusive Blends of Cell Therapy, Cell Defense, Cell Support, Blends of Soothing Aire, Calming Breeze, Determination, Life Unlimited, Pur Vie, Relaxing Touch, Muscle Mend, ProShield, Pure Tranquility, Trim & Tone. Singles of 32+
My Favorite Products
Many have heard of Thieves, well Ameo has ProShield which is similar, but a little more powerful & smells even nicer. I am also very impressed with their Exclusive Cell Therapy, Cell Support & Cell Defense essential oil blends.
Keyword List
Essential Oils, Clinical Grade, Ameo, Zija, Home Based Business, Supporting Health,