Katy Mitchell ~ Young Living Essential Oils Independent Distributor in Austin, Texas, 78726
Hi! My name is Katy Mitchell, and I live in Austin, TX. The best way to reach me is to text "contact" to 512-887-5289, then reply to that first message. My husband and I have 2 adorable preschoolers that keep me pretty busy. I stumbled into the world of essential oils and removing toxins from my life in 2016. I had a few bottles of oils prior to that, but no one had really ever explained how...

About My Company
I stumbled into the world of essential oils and removing toxins from my life in 2016. I had a few bottles of oils prior to that, but no one had really ever explained how to use them to me. If you join my team, you don't have to worry about that. Education is my #1 priority. Once I began using my premium starter kit on a daily basis, I realized how much these oils really do work, and I haven't looked back. I can't help but share them whenever I have the chance. Please let me know how I can help you experience the life changing benefits of Young Living. My Young Living business is my side hustle. I work full time, but I'm happy to field YL questions on evenings and weekends. I've been studying oils for 6+ years and love to do research for you.
Featured Product Information
If you purchase at least 100PV of product (you can see this amount on your total and on each item), you wil qualify for a 24% discount. If you add any item to subscription, you will also qualify for this discount!
About Me
Hi! My name is Katy Mitchell, and I live in Austin, TX. The best way to reach me is to text "contact" to 512-887-5289, then reply to that first message. My husband and I have 2 adorable preschoolers that keep me pretty busy. I stumbled into the world of essential oils and removing toxins from my life in 2016. I had a few bottles of oils prior to that, but no one had really ever explained how to use them to me. If you join my team, you don't have to worry about that. Education is my #1 priority. Once I began using my premium starter kit on a daily basis, I realized how much these oils really do work, and I haven't looked back. I can't help but share them whenever I have the chance. Please let me know how I can help you experience the life changing benefits of Young Living.
Product List
Thieves, Peace & Calming, Valor, Sacred Mountain, Thieves Household Cleaner
My Favorite Products
Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves Laundry Soap, Ningxia Red!, Sacred Mountain, Lavender Mint Shampoo & Conditioner
Keyword List
essential oils, toxin free cleaner, toxin free makeup, toxin free life