Bob Hilke VeryHealthyWater YES!!! Multipure Independent Distributor (Hilke Enterprises LLC) ~ Multipure Drinking Water Systems Independent Builder in Highland, Utah, 84003
Hi! I'm Bob Hilke, and I studied Nutritional Sciences. With that degree comes a passion to share knowledge and tools to help people live longer and healthier lives. I chose a degree in Nutritional Sciences because I believe that what we put into our bodies largely determines what we become. And good health and wellness start with the WATER we drink!
Ever wonder what kind of water...

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Hilke Enterprises LLC is an Independent Multipure Distributor, and we are selling these amazing Multipure Water Filters. > Countertop and Beneath Sink Drinking Water Filter Configuration. > Aggressive Contaminant-removal for Drinking Water. > Whole House Filters to protect Humans and Plumbing. > Bath and Shower Dechlorinators to Keep Your People Safe. See all the models, specifications and pricing:
About My Company Hilke Enterprises LLC is a Health and Wellness company, offering products designed to help people live longer and healthier lives. Hilke Enterprises LLC is an Independent Multipure Distributor based in Highland, Utah. However, we serve customers around the world with our industry leading water purification technologies. Learn more at our websites:
Featured Product Information
The Multipure Aquaperform water filter is one of Multipure’s most comprehensive drinking water systems. Uses Multipure’s powerful solid carbon block technology to minimize contaminants. Countertop, beneath sink and dedicated faucet options (see images below). Removes a wide range of contaminants. Improves smell and taste of tap water. Highly effective in filtering Arsenic V – a very stubborn and dangerous toxin. Stainless steel casing. Below-the-sink and countertop models. NSF-certified for contaminants of Aesthetic Concern (Std. 42). NSF-certified for contaminants of Health Concern (Std. 53) – including Arsenic V. Cost effective water purification system. Customer satisfaction guarantee and warranty. Various configurations available: countertop, single hose diverter, below sink. Optional Capacity Monitor Kit to remind when it is time to change the filter.
See model options, specifications and pricing:
About Me
Hi! I'm Bob Hilke, and I studied Nutritional Sciences. With that degree comes a passion to share knowledge and tools to help people live longer and healthier lives. I chose a degree in Nutritional Sciences because I believe that what we put into our bodies largely determines what we become. And good health and wellness start with the WATER we drink!
Ever wonder what kind of water someone with a degree in Nutritional Sciences would drink? ANSWER: water filtered by Multipure!!!
Everybody who knows something about anything realizes the water they drink has contaminants. I'm sharing Multipure's Water Filter products because they are the best I have found. Imagine drinking delicious purified water that has the invisible harmful contaminants removed so you can have the peace of mind knowing Multipure is the filter and not your liver!
Check out the information on my website ( where you can purchase these amazing products. I've been drinking only purified water since 1978. You should too! Today we have really amazing technology available, and I'm sharing the best water purification technology I know of or I'd be using and sharing something different.
You can purchase through my website if you live in the USA or Canada, and use my COUPON CODE 429286 as you are checking out in the shopping cart for a nice discount off the advertised price. You are welcome!
Product List
Aqualuxe Water Filter, Aquaperform Water Filter, Aquaversa Water Filter, Aquamini Water Filter, Aquasource Whole House Water Filter, Aquashower Shower Filter, Aquasplash Bathtub Dechlorinator, Aquagrow Garden Hose Filter, Multipure Replacement Cartridges
My Favorite Products
In our home, we use the Multipure Aquaperform Undercounter Water Filter. This happens to be the Consumer Reports #1 rated under counter water filter. And at our house, we only drink water that has gone through the Aquaperform. It is a fantastic combination of NSF-certified contaminant removing capabilities at a price that can fit any family's budget. We also use these products in our home: Aquaperform Drinking Water Filter - large, aggressive contaminant removing filter; Aquashower Shower Water Filter - removes chlorine from your showers; Aquasplash Bathtub Water Dechlorinator - removes chlorine from your bath water; Multipure Replacement Filter Cartridges - economical replacements for your Multipure filter.
Find all our products here:
Keyword List
Water Filters, Drinking Water Filters, Multipure Water Filters, Whole House Water Filter, Water Purification Systems, Water Filtration Systems, Water Filter Systems, Drinking Water Systems, Home Water Filters, Home Water Purification Systems, Multipure

Hilke Enterprises LLC is an Independent Multipure Distributor, and we are selling these amazing Multipure Water Filters. > Countertop and Beneath Sink Drinking Water Filter Configuration. > Aggressive Contaminant-removal for Drinking Water. > Whole House Filters to protect Humans and Plumbing. > Bath and Shower Dechlorinators to Keep Your People Safe. See all the models, specifications and pricing: