Danielle shares:
After 6 years and 2 months of infertility with on and off infertility treatment we are finally expecting! I truly believe I owe Plexus a huge thank you for this due to bettered health. We had struggled for years between natural means, oral infertility meds, injection fertility medications and three failed IUI’s. With all our attempts we got 0 pregnancies. I was diagnosed after 4 of those 6 years of trying with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and my husband possible low count. If I would have known about PCOS sooner I could have diagnosed myself with it already back in the 5th grade. We were told these are your last options since you have already tried all the options we would normally go about now with this diagnoses: 1-no kids, 2-adoption, or 3-IVF. I was heart broken. My dream was to be a mom since I was a child. I run my own Childcare preschool and all, children are my life. This was the hardest time I have went through in my life. It might not seem like much but it is, when it’s your dream and you can’t have it, it’s heart wrenching. My husband and I struggled to agree on IVF or not…I felt it was about to tear us apart. It took us a long time to recover from this hard time but we made it through. Then I found Plexus in November 2012. I started with just Plexus Slim/accelerator combo. I was in love! My ovarian pains (cyst covered ovaries) were getting better, my other signs and symptoms of PCOS were diminishing! Also I had planters warts on my feet that for years even with doctor treatments wasn’t taking care of them, even those diminished after like two weeks! I was losing weight (slow but loosing) and feeling great! I tested for candida yeast and was positive. I added probio5 and the bio cleanse. This combination of plexus products was a blessing!! Read More :